Monday, March 5, 2012

Taxes, bah. Gratitude Journal entry #5

Finally getting my paperwork for taxes all organized and taken care of.

Yes, I realize it is March.

Every year I tell myself I'm going to get these ready so when January comes, BAM, I'm ready! Like an ADULT.

Never happens, sigh.

On the plus, now that I understand how to sort business expenses, it goes very quickly.

Should have it all ready to go tonight, I hope.

I am thankful for music. I realize that's a wide, broad thing to be thankful for. When it's quiet, totally quiet, I start to think. It usually goes to the bad place and I'll end up sad, upset or panicky. Music is that thing that lifts my spirit and calms me. I listen to just about any sort, except perhaps "honky tonk", since it's too twangy and I can't relate to it.

I have the hope that I'll learn how to play many musical instruments, someday. I'd love to compose just one piece, something that is "me" in musical form, I think it would be a wonderful accomplishment.



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